Thursday, March 25, 2010

Research on Tough Love, Christian "Reform Schools", The connection between Palmer and Roloff

Victory Christian Academy's Connection to ToughLove

The Big question "How did your parents know about Victory?" or "How did you get sent to Victory?"

I was talking with some of the ladies that attended Victory Christian Academy and we all seem to have the same or very similar stories. The question most ask is “how did your parents find out about Victory?” The answer was very similar in each case. Parents knew other parents of Daughters who have attended Victory and Victory "saved their lives" or their parents were part of a ToughLove group. This prompted me to do a little research on the ToughLove group and I found this article and it shows basically the timeline and programs associated.

The Cult That Spawned the Tough-Love Teen Industry Mother Jones: "The idea that punishment can be therapeutic is not unique to the Rotenberg Center. In fact, this notion is widespread among the hundreds of 'emotional growth boarding schools,' wilderness camps, and 'tough love' antidrug programs that make up the billion-dollar teen residential treatment industry.
This harsh approach to helping troubled teens has a long and disturbing history. No fewer than 50 programs (though not the Rotenberg Center) can trace their treatment philosophy, directly or indirectly, to an antidrug cult called Synanon. Founded in 1958, Synanon sold itself as a cure for hardcore heroin addicts who could help each other by 'breaking' new initiates with isolation, humiliation, hard labor, and sleep deprivation."

Here is the Picture of affiliated programs. Please read the full article it is very telling.

Did a little more digging and found information on The Children of Synanon.

Also found this information on Youtube

on the comments under the video it talks of research done on Jownstown and running into Synanon News articles.

To me it is interesting how the article shows the connection between Synanon and the "Teen Treatment Centers". I am putting this in my blog to show the connection and try to understand what my parents were thinking during the time they made the decision to place me at Victory Christian Academy. These tactics of breaking down the individual in order to build them up. Also, the repetitive nature of having Bible study, Church, and Bible readings at least 3 times a day sometimes more. Is this Brainwashing? Is this as they say "The right kind of brainwashing?" I remember when I left Victory I was told that the School went so far to the right so that if you "fell" you would land somewhere in the middle. For me and for many others it has been a constant struggle to just to live life. To try and understand what was done. I ask myself questions like "were they right, is there something wrong with me?" and "How come I cant get close to anyone or trust anyone?" I am trying to understand and sort out what I believe verses what Victory has taught or drilled into my head.

Now I concentrate my attention to Michael Palmer, He was always talking about and quoting Lester Roloff. I wondered if there was some sort of connection there. I have done a little research on the schools that were closed down but I wanted to know specifically if Palmer had a connection to the Roloff homes. I found my answer. Here are a few articles that really showed the connection.

I wanted to also find out what the connection was of Michael Palmer and Lester Roloff. I found an interesting article that shows a clear connection.

Scientology™ vs. good ole Southern Baptism: eat crow Judge Babb  "Well Justice Babb, ABC TV Wear News in Pensacola, Florida has just published a three part series on alleged child abuse in two Southern Baptist boarding schools right down there in Florida. Before linking to the series it might be useful to get some background material on where these schools came from, who accredits them, and Wiley Cameron and Michael Palmer--the Baptist preachers behind them.

The Roloff Schools, Wiley Cameron and TACCA. The Roloff Schools are a string of Christian boarding schools for wayward teens founded by Lester Roloff, a fundamentalist Baptist preacher. In the 1970s Texas health authorities investigated the schools for allegations of whipping, handcuffing and using other abusive tactics on teenagers. The schools protested state scrutiny and the case ended up in the US Supreme Court which ruled that Roloff would have to abide by state licensing laws. So in 1985 two Roloff schools, the Rebekah Home for Girls and Anchor Home for Girls, moved to Missouri. Another school, Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy, moved to Missouri from Mississippi in 1987 after a judge ordered teens to be removed. The founder of Mountain Park had been trained by Roloff. Roloff died in a plane crash in 1982 and was replaced by a man named Wiley Cameron.

When George Bush became governor of Texas he decided that men of God needed no state regulatory license to run social programs and so he introduced his faith-based initiative. Roloff's Wiley Cameron was invited over to Texas to meet with Bush's faith-based committee and ultimately Bush invited Cameron back to Texas. The Texas Organization of Christian Child Caring Agencies or TACCCA accredited Roloff Schools and Wiley Cameron was on the board of directors of TACCCA. Rebekah had moved from Texas to Missouri, and was now back in Texas.

Soon Cameron's schools were back in trouble in Texas for allegations of child abuse. Wiley was put in jail for refusing to turn over records to investigators and his wife Faye Cameron was barred for life from working with kids in Texas. In 2001, with George Bush gone, Texas had had enough of his faith-based stupidity and changed the law back to require faith-based organizations to be licensed by the state just like anybody else. This time Wiley Cameron took his kids to Florida. (Early in 2004 Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy closed in Missouri after a federal jury awarded a former student $20,000 for abuse. (See Mountain Park. Also see The Texas Faith-Based Initiative at Five Years.)
George Bush did not invent state faith-based deregulation. But George Bush did not invent the idea of faith-based state deregulation. Six years before introducing the concept to Texas, health officials in the state of Oklahoma had refused to license the Scientology™-affiliated Narconon™ drug rehabilitation program in that state. And then surprisingly the state legislature introduced legislation that exempted health care facilities from state licensing provided they got accreditation elsewhere. So Narconon™ went to CARF--the Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities--in Tucson, Arizona. A report in the Newkirk Herald Journal of 16 July 1992 reported that Narconon™ had "hired" the first two C.A.R.F. inspectors sent to evaluate their operation. (Kids Helping Kids of Cincinnati and Growing Together in Lakeworth, Florida are two second-generation Straights, both of which are CARF accredited. Also see rumors of Narconon infiltration of CARF, 20 September 1992 and Critical Evaluations of Narconon.)

FACCCA and Michael Palmer. In 1984, the state of Florida passed a faith-based law called Florida Statute 409.176 that exempts church-run social programs from state regulations. Today many church boarding schools in Florida are accredited by FACCCA--the Florida Association of Christian Child Caring Agencies. A man named Michael Palmer is VP of FACCCA. Palmer opened Victory Christian Academy in Jay, Florida after he was closed down in California and Mexico for alleged abuse and licensing issues at youth homes he ran in those places.

Wiley Cameron closed Rebekah Girl's Home in Texas and opened New Beginnings Rebekah Academy in Pace, Florida. Rebekah is licensed by FACCCA. Faye Cameron has left Rebekah in Florida after allegedly hitting a girl with a curtain rod."

I also found an Article Edited by Michele Tresler-Ulriksen.

How Faith Based Initiatives help unlicensed reform schools thrive "When George W. Bush became president, he created the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives ( Mr. Bush created Centers for Faith-Based Initiatives in seven cabinet departments: the United States Agency for International Development, and the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Justice, Agriculture, Labor, and Education. The purpose of the Centers was to eliminate regulatory and contracting obstacles for faith-based and other community organizations. This act has made it possible for religious boarding schools to avoid becoming licensed and regulated leaving those inside no protection.

It began when Mr. Bush was Governor of Texas. Texas’ legislature passed the Faith Based program there in 1997 allowing deregulation for faith based boarding schools. The legislature then passed a bill allowing the creation of alternative accreditation programs in which faith-based child-care centers could forego state licensing and instead receive accreditation from one of these newly created private agencies. Deregulation was an essential component of the faith-based initiative because it ensured that more faith-based providers would be eligible for government funds (see Texas Freedom Education Fund at This plan created new licensing laws for religious facilities; self-regulation that substantially reduced health and safety requirements and oversight."

Read the full article. It will give you more details on the FACCCA.


  1. Great Blog Jodi. It's great that you have posted all this info. I want to clarify though that Candice Aiston, an x-VCA girl, wrote that article; I did edit it and only made a few small changes. I had to cut word count down so a magazine could is it as an informative/epose piece related to my book. Just want to make sure that Candice gets the credit as being the author since she wrote it originally. She did a nice job and gave me permission to use it in any way to help our cause.

  2. Check out this movie produced by Lester Roloff. It is non critical but a great period piece. I remember seeing this movie at Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, but there is a new ending telling us that Roloff is now dead. A link is given to those who want to support the homes, but if you visit it, you'll find it's now a non working link.

  3. Hi. I was in the Roloff Homes in Texas circa 1989. The Rebekah Home was 'officially' closed, but they still were able to take kids in under conservatorship. There was the Palmer Home--I think this may be the Michael Palmer you are talking about--& the Dye Home, which was the one I was in. The Dye Home was run by David William Dye & Evelyn M. Dye. I was there for a total of approx. 2 years--I was sent back after just a few months of being released. So if this is the same Michael Palmer, he LIVED on The Farm--that's what the insiders called the compound in Corpus Christie--& so did David Dye. They had many girls under their conservatorship. If you want more info, you can contact me.

    1. I was in the Dye home also. I was there around 1991 or 1992.

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  5. Faye and Wiley Cameron were two of the evilest people to ever live. I was at Rebekah in the early 2000's. I was a Honey Bee and traveled with Lester Roloff for over a year. I personally witnessed Faye Cameron beat and kick young girls. She threatened to do this to me and only the fact that I was a member of the trio and close to Lester Roloff's ear stopped her. She had a sexual relationship with at least one girl while I was there which was common knowledge and he was highly inappropriate with the girls. Faye Cameron had two of his "girlfriends" restrained, she beat them and locked hem in solitary confinement. It was because of their relationship with her husband. Their Christianity was fake, fake, fake. Everything they did in public was for show, what went on behind the scenes was horrific. I never saw anything like that from Lester Roloff. I called him granddaddy and he was always kind to me. I don't believe he would have condoned what Faye and Wiley did and they took great pains to keep him from knowing. He died a few short months after I left in the plane crash. I heard it on the radio as I was in the car on my way home from school. Granddaddy had asked me to stay on and not to leave, to finish my schooling there and to stay and work for the ministry. I know if I had stayed I would have died on the day his plane went down because I would have been with him. I was saddened to hear of his death. He was one of the few good things about that place and I do know that he had a true desire to serve God. Wiley ad Faye Cameron only served themselves.

  6. In the early 90's I was left at Victory Christian Academy. At the time, I had just started my freshman year of high school. The internet was just becoming a thing at the time, but social media was unheard of. For the last 30 years, I have been telling people small bits about my experience and abuse at Victory Christian Academy, but usually get made to feel that I am making things up - you only truly understand something if you have lived it. I am so glad to find the show "The Program" on Netflix which led me to think back on this traumatic time in my life, which led to so much additional pain and trauma. I thought I was alone. I wish I was alone in this, because no child deserves that type of abuse. I'm thankful for others who are brave enough to talk. I am broken hearted to learn about Michele's story, I fear she isn't the only one who never recovered from this.
